Cara Menambahkan Widget Ini KeBlog
- Seperti biasa login ke akun blogger anda >> Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed
- Klick Ctrl+F dan cari kode ]]></b:skin
- Tambahkan kode CSS berikut diatas kode ]]></b:skin>
.slider{ width: 640px; /*Same as width of the large image*/ position: relative; /*Instead of height we will use padding*/ padding-top: 320px; /*That helps bring the labels down*/ margin: 100px auto; /*Lets add a shadow*/ box-shadow: 0 10px 20px -5px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75); } /*Last thing remaining is to add transitions*/ .slider>img{ position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; transition: all 0.5s; } .slider input[name='slide_switch'] { display: none; } .slider label { /*Lets add some spacing for the thumbnails*/ margin: 18px 0 0 18px; border: 3px solid #999; float: left; cursor: pointer; transition: all 0.5s; /*Default style = low opacity*/ opacity: 0.6; } .slider label img{ &display: block; } /*Time to add the click effects*/ .slider input[name='slide_switch']:checked+label { border-color: #666; opacity: 1; } /*Clicking any thumbnail now should change its opacity(style)*/ /*Time to work on the main images*/ .slider input[name='slide_switch'] ~ img { opacity: 0; transform: scale(1.1); } /*That hides all main images at a 110% size On click the images will be displayed at normal size to complete the effect */ .slider input[name='slide_switch']:checked+label+img { opacity: 1; transform: scale(1); } /*Clicking on any thumbnail now should activate the image related to it*/
Perhatikan tulisan berwarna biru adalah lebar dan tinggi gambar
- Cari kode <div id='main-wrapper'>
- Setelah dapat tambahkan kode HTML berikut diatas kode <div id='main-wrapper'>
<div class="slider"> <input type="radio" name="slide_switch" id="id1"/> <label for="id1"> <img src="IMAGE LINK" width="100"/> </label> <img src="IMAGE LINK"/> <!--Lets show the second image by default on page load--> <input type="radio" name="slide_switch" id="id2" checked="checked"/> <label for="id2"> <img src="IMAGE LINK" width="100"/> </label> <img src="IMAGE LINK"/> <input type="radio" name="slide_switch" id="id3"/> <label for="id3"> <img src="IMAGE LINK" width="100"/> </label> <img src="IMAGE LINK"/> <input type="radio" name="slide_switch" id="id4"/> <label for="id4"> <img src="IMAGE LINK" width="100"/> </label> <img src="IMAGE LINK"/> <input type="radio" name="slide_switch" id="id5"/> <label for="id5"> <img src="IMAGE LINK" width="100"/> </label> <img src="IMAGE LINK"/> </div>
Ganti IMAGE LINK dengan link gambar anda.- Tambahkan script berikut diatas kode </head>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
- Simpan template.
Sebelum menyimpan anda bisa klik pratinjau dulu jika sudah sesuai dengan yang anda inginkan, silahkan Simpan dan lihat hasilnya diblog anda.